Saturday, November 1, 2008

October Update

Ok so we are terrible at updating the blog now that Eric and I both have Facebook accounts, but for those of you who can't see pictures and check out updates on that here is what we have been up to...

I went back to work in September. I am teaching part-time at a Christian preschool here is Sioux City. I teach Monday-Friday from 9-11:30. It is perfect because I pick the girls up around noon and we have the rest of the afternoon together. Two of my good friends take turns watching Ella and Maddie goes to her own school/daycare. Eric takes Friday mornings off to stay home with them. It has really worked out great. I love teaching and I think it is really good for the girls to be with other kids their ages a little bit during the day.

Eric is keeping busy with work. He continues to love his job. He has also just started playing football on Saturday mornings with some friends. It is just a fun time to get together with the guys and play a game he loves. We are gearing up for our weekend in Denver in December for the Broncos vs. Chiefs game. It should be a really fun weekend. Maddie and Ella are staying here and Eric's mom is flying out to stay with them for the weekend.

Maddie is growing up fast. She is 2 1/2 and it a very independent and opinionated little girl. She loves to sing and dance and play. In the car the other day she said, "hey mom, let's listen to 'Your Grace is Enough.'" I have to say that it is awesome to hear my 2 year old singing Chris Tomlin praise songs from the backseat! Maddie just moved into her "big girl bed" last week which is going ok. She pops out into the living room or just calls for us to come "snuggle" with her in her room, so it is taking her a little longer to settle down at night. Maddie loves her school and comes home talking about her teachers and all of her friends. It is such a great school and I know she is in good hands with I can't be with her.

And little Ella Ruth..."Ruthie" as we like to call her. She is great...almost 10 months old...I know where did that time go right?! I keep telling Eric that it is just about time for a 3rd...JUST KIDDING!! We are enjoying our family of 4 right now. Ella loves to play peek-a-boo with her sister...actually she loves to do anything with her sister. Whenever Maddie talks to her, Ella just lights up. Ella is crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up on stuff too. She may be walking soon! She continues to be the good eater in the family and may just out weigh her big sister soon.

That is a recap of the Rawdons. Hope all of you are doing well. We would love to hear from you and how all of you are doing.


Kristi said...

That sounds like a great schedule for you, Kate. Very nice. Mackenzie and Isaak keep saying that they wish you'd come for a visit. I know a LOT of people would really enjoy that. You can camp out here if you come!

Eric R. said...

We do need to get back there, but nothing on the schedule right now. Are you guys headed this way any time soon?