Monday, June 9, 2008

New employee

Some of you may know that we have been searching for a middle school pastor since December, when the one we had got married and moved away. Yesterday, our candidate was voted in by the church and accepted the position. His name is Mike Henry and he will be moving here from Lodi, California, along with his wife and dog. I am super excited for him to get here and boss him around - wash my car, get me lunch, etc. :-). Mike will be my first employee that will report to me - lucky him!! The plan is for the Henrys to be here by August 1. But seriously, I am really excited that he is coming and look forward to working with him.


Kym said...

Everything GREAT comes from NorCal Eric! Congrats and I hope you boss him around like you used to try me and Leslie...oh wait we bossed you all around! By the way - you little one and i almost share a b-day - Jan. 11 is mine and 12th is hers...Us capicorns need to stick together!

Anonymous said...

I noticed it's been a while since you've been here. Are you staying afloat?? Hope so. :)